Life Classes
Dating Class - Are you in a dating relationship or do you want to be? Learn what a man really wants and discover what a woman really needs. Biblical Role Models + Communication Tips + Purity Goals for all Singles
Pre-Marital Class - Before you tie the knot, take time to go deep in communication, get into financial unity, and learn how to meet each other's needs: emotionally and intimately.
Marriage Class - Build a marriage to last a lifetime, the way God designed it! Get into unity as we discuss the hot topics: his/her needs, sex and money.
Parenting Young Kids - Get practical parenting wisdom from the Bible on how to raise godly children today. Be encouraged + learn how to parent your child through every season of infancy and childhood.
Parenting Older Kids - Get practical parenting wisdom from the Bible on how to raise godly children today. Be encouraged + learn how to parent your teenage child.
Water Baptism/New Life
Financial Peace University - Learn how to control your money, how to get out of debt, and prepare for your future in this life-changing 9-week course, taught by Dave Ramsey and his team via 9 inspiring, interactive and challenging videos. After this class you will have all the tools you need to win with money.
Freedom Groups
Freedom Groups are Men’s and Women’s groups of varying duration, dedicated to helping people heal from addiction and its effects in a safe and confidential space. Men’s groups are based on curriculum from Dr. Ted Roberts and the Women’s groups are based on material from Ted’s wife, Diane Roberts.